Industrial Process Optimisation

Our industrial process optimisation solutions will help you streamline operations and produce quality products at a lower cost

EnerTherm Engineering uses industrial process optimisation (IPO) to improve the performance of industrial operations in factories. Achieving IPO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but that's why our experienced engineers are here to help. Fortunately, EnerTherm engineering has adopted many process optimisation methods and tools to help factories achieve better results. Some of the most commonly used methods by our engineers include process mapping, flow analysis, lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma.

Process mapping - graphically represent the steps involved in a manufacturing process. By understanding the layout of the process, we can then more easily identify areas where there are potential bottlenecks and optimize operations.

Process flow analysis - we then use a more detailed form of process mapping that focuses on specific steps in the manufacturing processes. This information can be used to improve efficiency by targeting specific steps in the production cycle.

Lean manufacturing - our engineers then can apply manufacturing methods based on principles of Pareto improvement and kanban systems. It will help to reduce waste within the production process and eliminate unnecessary workloads.

Six Sigma - EnerTherm engineers then apply a quality management system that uses rigorous statistical analysis to identify defects and improvements in processes.

There are many optimization methods available, but the most effective method for a given company depends on its needs. Our engineers can combine different optimization techniques to produce synergistic results that lead to increased efficiency and profitability. EnerTherm Engineering understands that in today's economy, it is important to optimize your industrial processes in order to achieve optimum results, and that's why we are here for you.

Production Optimisation and Equipment Optimisation are also key services provided by EnerTherm Engineering to further improve the performance of industrial operations.


We can help you get your business up and running the way it should be!

If you’re interested in learning more about our industrial engineering services and products, or if you need help with a specific project, please contact us.